Can You Make Popcorn in a Rice Cooker?

Have you ever looked at your rice cooker and wondered if it could do more than just cook rice?

Specifically, have you thought about using it to make popcorn? It’s a question I’ve encountered more than once, and it’s certainly a curious one.

In this post, we’re going to explore the feasibility and methods of making popcorn in a rice cooker.

Whether you’re a popcorn lover looking for new ways to pop your favorite snack or simply curious about pushing your kitchen gadgets to their limits, this exploration is for you.

Can You Make Popcorn in a Rice Cooker?

Yes, you can make popcorn in a rice cooker. The process is simple, effortless, and produces delicious results.

However, some rice cookers have a specific popcorn setting, while others may require you to adjust the cooking time and temperature manually.

It’s also advisable to check your rice cooker’s user manual for any specific guidelines or recommendations regarding popcorn preparation.

How to Make Popcorn in a Rice Cooker

Curiosity got the best of me, so I decided to put the rice cooker to the test and try making popcorn in it. Armed with a bag of popcorn kernels and my trusty rice cooker, I embarked on a popcorn-making adventure in my own kitchen.

Here’s what happened:

Step 1: Load the rice cooker

Start by adding a tablespoon of oil to the rice cooker’s inner pot. This is a crucial step, as the oil is necessary for the kernels to pop evenly and prevent them from sticking to the pot.

Next, add half a cup of popcorn kernels to the pot. It’s important not to overcrowd the pot, as the kernels need space to expand as they pop.

Step 2: Set the cooker

With the kernels and oil in place, set the rice cooker to its highest temperature setting and close the lid. The high heat setting ensures that the kernels will heat up quickly and start popping.

Step 3: Popping process

As you wait for the popcorn to pop, you will hear the rice cooker working its magic. The familiar sound of kernels popping will bring you a sense of anticipation and excitement. After a few minutes, the popping will slow down, indicating that most of the kernels have popped.

Step 4: Enjoying the results

Open the lid of the rice cooker to a steamy pot filled with fluffy, freshly popped popcorn. Transfer the popcorn to a bowl, sprinkle it with some salt, and indulge in your homemade treat.

Tips for Making Popcorn in a Rice Cooker

If you’re ready to give popcorn-making in a rice cooker a try, here are some tips to help you achieve the best results:

1. Use the right amount of oil and kernels

To ensure even popping and prevent the kernels from getting burned, it’s essential to use the right amount of oil and kernels. Start with approximately 1 tablespoon of oil and half a cup of popcorn kernels. Adjust the quantities according to your rice cooker’s capacity and your personal preference.

2. Pay attention to cooking time

The cooking time for popcorn in a rice cooker will vary depending on the specific model, so it’s crucial to pay attention to the popping sounds and adjust accordingly. When the popping slows down to about 2-3 seconds between each pop, it’s a good indication that the popcorn is ready.

3. Experiment with flavors

Once you’ve mastered the basic technique of making popcorn in a rice cooker, feel free to get creative with your flavors. You can add seasonings like melted butter, grated cheese, herbs, or spices to your popcorn to enhance the taste. The possibilities are endless!


Making popcorn in a rice cooker is not only possible but also quite simple. With the right amount of ingredients, you can enjoy freshly popped popcorn from the comfort of your own kitchen. Just remember to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and adjust the settings accordingly.

So, next time you’re in the mood for a movie night or a quick snack, why not give your rice cooker a try? Popcorn-making just got a whole lot more convenient.

Have you ever tried making popcorn in a rice cooker? Share your experience and tips in the comments below.

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