Can You Polish Formica Countertops? – 7 Ways to Polish Formica

Maintaining a clean and organized kitchen is not only essential for a pleasant cooking experience but also adds a touch of beauty to your home. One key element in achieving kitchen cleanliness and aesthetics is having pristine countertops. 

When it comes to countertops, Formica is a popular choice due to its durability and wide range of designs. But have you ever wondered if you can polish Formica countertops to keep them looking their best?

Can You Polish Formica Countertops?

Yes, you can polish Formica countertops to get the best shining surface and improve their appearance. To clean your Formica surface, use a gentle cleanser like water mixed with a mild detergent. If there are tough stains that won’t come off easily, you can try using a non-scratch cream or liquid like Cif.

Avoid using commercial cleaners that are meant for other household surfaces like stove tops, drains, tiles, or toilet bowls.

What Can You Polish Formica With?

If you want to make your Formica countertops shine again after cleaning, use any of these materials:

  • Clean with toothpaste
  • Use commercial laminate cleaners
  • Polish with car wax
  • Make use of baking soda
  • Mixture of vinegar and water
  • Use mild dish soap for deep cleaning
  • Clean with rubbing Alcohol

7 Simple Ways to Polish Formica Countertops

7 Simple Ways to Polish Formica Countertops

Here are the step-by-step instructions on how to use various materials for cleaning and maintaining Formica countertops:

1. Applying toothpaste

  • Step 1: Apply a small amount of non-gel toothpaste directly to the stained or scratched area on the Formica countertop.
  • Step 2: Gently rub the toothpaste into the affected area using a soft cloth or sponge.
  • Step 3: Continue rubbing in a circular motion until the stain or scratch starts to fade.
  • Step 4: Wipe away the toothpaste residue with a clean damp cloth.
  • Step 5: Dry the countertop with a soft, dry cloth to reveal a polished finish.

2. Using commercial laminate cleaners

  • Step 1: Read and follow the instructions provided on the commercial laminate cleaner product label.
  • step 2: Spray the cleaner onto the Formica countertop, covering the surface evenly.
  • Step 3: Allow the cleaner to sit on the countertop for the recommended amount of time specified on the product label.
  • Step 4: Gently scrub the countertop using a soft sponge or cloth.
  • Step 5: Rinse the countertop thoroughly with clean water.
  • Step 6: Wipe away any excess moisture with a dry cloth to reveal a clean and shiny finish.

3. Rub with car wax

  • Step 1: Apply a small amount of car wax to a soft cloth.
  • Step 2: Gently rub the wax onto the Formica countertop in a circular motion.
  • Step 3: Continue to rub until the wax is evenly spread across the entire surface.
  • Step 4: Allow the wax to dry on the countertop for the specified time mentioned on the product label.
  • Step 5: Buff the countertop using a clean, soft cloth, applying light pressure.
  • Step 6: Wipe away any remaining wax residue to reveal a glossy and protected finish.

4. Create baking soda paste

  • Step 1: Create a paste by mixing baking soda with water until it forms a thick consistency.
  • Step 2: Apply the baking soda paste to the stained or dull areas on the Formica countertop.
  • Step 3: Gently scrub the countertop using a soft sponge or cloth, focusing on the affected areas.
  • Step 4: Rinse the countertop with clean water to remove the baking soda residue.
  • Step 5: Dry the countertop with a soft cloth to reveal a refreshed and polished finish.

5. The use of vinegar and water

  • Step 1: Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle.
  • Step 2: Spray the vinegar solution onto the Formica countertop, covering the surface.
  • Step 3: Let the solution sit on the countertop for a few minutes to loosen dirt or stains.
  • Step 4: Gently scrub the countertop using a soft sponge or cloth.
  • Step 5: Rinse the countertop thoroughly with clean water.
  • Step 6: Wipe away any excess moisture with a dry cloth to reveal a clean and shiny finish.

6. Use mild dish soap (deep cleaning)

  • Step 1: Fill a sink or bucket with warm water and add a small amount of mild dish soap.
  • Step 2: Dip a soft sponge or cloth into the soapy water, wringing out any excess liquid.
  • Step 3: Gently scrub the Formica countertop, paying attention to any stains or grime.
  • Step 4: Rinse the countertop thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap residue.
  • Step 5: Dry the countertop with a soft cloth to reveal a clean and polished finish.

7. Rub Alcohol

  • Step 1: Moisten a soft cloth with rubbing alcohol.
  • Step 2: Gently rub the cloth onto the stained or sticky area on the Formica countertop.
  • Step 3: Continue rubbing until the stain or residue starts to dissolve.
  • Step 4: Wipe away any remaining alcohol residue with a clean, damp cloth.
  • Step 5: Dry the countertop with a soft cloth to reveal a clean and polished finish.

How Do You Remove Marks from Formica Countertops?

Here is a step-by-step guide to removing marks from Formica countertops:

1. Identify the mark

Determine the type of mark on the Formica countertop. Marks can include ink, stains, adhesive residue, or scuff marks.

2. Prepare a cleaning solution

Depending on the type of mark, prepare a suitable cleaning solution. For general marks, mix mild dish soap with warm water. For tougher stains, consider using a specialized cleaner recommended for Formica surfaces.

3. Apply the cleaning solution

Dip a soft cloth or sponge into the cleaning solution, ensuring it is damp but not dripping wet. Gently blot or rub the affected area with a cloth or sponge. Avoid scrubbing vigorously, as this can damage the surface.

4. Focus on the mark

Pay close attention to the mark while cleaning. Use gentle circular motions to work the cleaning solution into the mark.

5. Rinse and wipe

After treating the mark, rinse the area with clean water to remove any cleaning solution residue.

Wipe the countertop dry with a soft cloth to prevent water spots or streaks.

6. Address stubborn marks

For particularly stubborn marks, you can try using non-abrasive baking soda paste. Mix baking soda with water to form a thick paste, apply it to the mark, and gently rub it in circular motions with a soft cloth. Rinse and wipe the area clean afterward.

7. Polish and restore shine

After successfully removing the mark, consider applying a countertop polish specifically designed for Formica surfaces. Follow the instructions on the polish product, and buff the countertop using a soft cloth to restore its shine.

How Do I Get My Formica Countertops to Shine Again?

To restore the shine to your Formica countertops, start by cleaning them with a mild detergent or Formica cleaner. Next, try using baking soda or lemon juice to gently scrub away stains and dullness. Another option is to apply mineral oil or use a commercial laminate polish designed for Formica surfaces.

Now let’s take a look at the tips to keep your formica countertops shinning

4 Tips to Keep Your Formica Countertops Shinning

4 Tips to Keep Your Formica Countertops Shinning

To keep your Formica countertops shining and looking their best, here are some valuable tips to follow:

1. Keep the countertops dry

After every use, make sure to wipe the Formica countertops dry to prevent water spots or stains. Excess moisture can lead to discoloration or damage over time, so keeping them dry is essential for maintaining their shine.

2. Clean often

Regular cleaning is key to keeping Formica countertops looking their best. Use a mild, non-abrasive cleaner and a soft cloth or sponge to gently wipe away any spills, food residue, or grease. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive scrubbers that can scratch or dull the surface.

3. Use a protector

To provide an extra layer of protection, consider using a cutting board or trivets when placing hot pots, pans, or sharp objects on the countertops. This helps prevent scratches, heat damage, and potential stains, ensuring your Formica countertops stay shiny and in excellent condition.

4. Polish from time to time

Periodically, give your Formica countertops a thorough polish to enhance their shine. Use a recommended countertop polish or a mixture of warm water and vinegar to gently buff the surface. This helps remove any dullness or fine scratches, restoring the natural luster of your countertops.

What Not to Use When Cleaning Formica

Avoid using abrasive cleaners, harsh chemicals, and scrub brushes as they can scratch and dull the Formica finish. Stay away from steel wool or scouring pads as they can leave permanent marks on the countertop.

It’s important to also avoid using bleach, ammonia, or vinegar-based cleaners as they can cause discoloration or damage the protective layer of Formica. Instead, opt for mild dish soap and warm water, along with soft cloths or sponges, to gently clean the surface and preserve its shine.


Can you polish the scratches out of Formica?

While minor scratches on Formica countertops can be improved, it is challenging to completely polish them out.

Can I use gel gloss on Formica countertops?

It is not recommended to use gel gloss or similar products on Formica countertops. These types of products are designed for specific surfaces and may contain ingredients that can damage or discolor Formica.

Can you use rejuvenate on Formica countertops?

Rejuvenate can be used on Formica countertops to restore their shine and provide a protective layer. Rejuvenate is a popular brand of cleaning and restoration products that offers specific solutions for various surfaces, including laminate and Formica.

Does bleach damage Formica?

Using bleach for cleaning Formica countertops is a No-No. It is a strong chemical that can cause discoloration, damage the protective layer of Formica, and potentially lead to the weakening of the material over time.


Maintaining the shine and beauty of your Formica countertops is essential for a clean and inviting kitchen space. By following the tips and techniques outlined in this article, you can keep your Formica countertops looking their best for years to come.

Always remember to keep the countertops dry, clean them regularly with gentle cleaning solutions, use protectors to prevent scratches and heat damage, and periodically polish the surface to restore its shine.

Also avoid using abrasive cleaners, harsh chemicals, and improper cleaning methods that could damage the Formica finish. With proper care and attention, your Formica countertops will continue to enhance your kitchen’s aesthetics and provide a durable and functional surface for all your culinary endeavors.

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