How to Clean and Descale a Kettle

I love starting my mornings with a hot cup of tea, and I’m sure many of you do too. But over time, mineral deposits and limescale can build up inside our kettles, affecting the taste of our beverages and reducing the efficiency of the appliance.

That’s why it’s important to regularly clean and descale our kettles to keep them in optimal condition. In this post, I’ll share with you my tried and tested methods for cleaning and descaling a kettle, based on my years of experience working in the kitchen.

How to Clean and Descale a Kettle

Why is Descaling Important?

When we heat water in a kettle, minerals such as calcium and magnesium can be deposited on the heating element and the interior walls of the kettle.

This mineral buildup, known as limescale, can not only affect the taste of your drinks but also reduce the efficiency of your kettle. The heating element may take longer to heat up, resulting in longer boiling times and wasted energy.

Descaling your kettle regularly will help remove these mineral deposits, improve the taste of your beverages, and prolong the life of your appliance.

What You’ll Need

Before we dive into the cleaning process, gather the following items:

  • White vinegar or lemon juice: These acidic liquids work wonders for breaking down limescale and mineral deposits.
  • Water: You’ll need water to rinse out the kettle after cleaning.
  • Soft sponge or cloth: Use a soft sponge or cloth to scrub the kettle gently.
  • Toothbrush: A toothbrush can be useful for scrubbing hard-to-reach areas, such as the spout or the inside of the lid.
  • Baking soda (optional): Baking soda can be used as an alternative to vinegar or lemon juice if you prefer a non-acidic cleaning method.

Steps to Clean and Descale a Kettle

Follow these simple steps to clean and descale your kettle:

Step 1: Prepare the vinegar solution

  • Fill the kettle halfway with equal parts water and vinegar or lemon juice.
  • If using vinegar, you may notice a strong smell, but don’t worry, it will dissipate once the kettle is rinsed.

Step 2: Boil the solution

  • Place the kettle on the stove or plug it into an electrical outlet and bring the solution to a boil.
  • Allow the solution to boil for about 10-15 minutes or until the limescale starts to detach from the walls of the kettle.
  • You may notice fizzing or bubbling as the vinegar or lemon juice reacts with the limescale.

Step 3: Let the solution sit inside the kettle for some minutes

  • Turn off the heat and let the solution sit inside the kettle for another 10-15 minutes.
  • This allows the acid in the vinegar or lemon juice to break down the limescale further.

Step 4: Scrub gently

  • After the solution has had time to work its magic, use a soft sponge or cloth to scrub the interior walls of the kettle gently.
  • Pay extra attention to areas with heavy limescale buildup.
  • For hard-to-reach areas, such as the spout or the inside of the lid, use a toothbrush.

Step 5: Rinse and repeat

  • Rinse the kettle thoroughly with clean water multiple times to remove any residual vinegar or lemon juice.
  • Fill the kettle with water and boil it once to rinse away further any remaining traces of the cleaning solution.
  • If you can still smell vinegar or lemon juice after rinsing, repeat the process of boiling water until the smell disappears.

Step 6: Wipe the exterior

  • Don’t forget to wipe the exterior of the kettle with a damp cloth to remove any dirt, fingerprints, or stains.
  • Dry the kettle thoroughly before storing or using it again.

Other Tips for Maintaining Your Kettle

  • Avoid using abrasive cleaners or scrubbers, as they can scratch the surface of the kettle.
  • Regularly empty and dry your kettle after each use to prevent the buildup of mineral deposits.
  • Consider using filtered water to reduce the formation of limescale.
  • If you have particularly hard water, you may need to descale your kettle more frequently or invest in a water softener.


Cleaning and descaling your kettle is a simple yet essential maintenance task that will keep your appliance in top condition and ensure that your hot beverages taste their best.

Remember to perform this cleaning process regularly to remove limescale and mineral deposits. By following these steps and incorporating some additional maintenance tips, you can enjoy a clean and efficient kettle for years to come.

Have you tried descaling your kettle? What method did you use, and did it work for you? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below.


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