How to Make a Frying Pan Non Stick Again (4 Easy Methods)

As we use our frying pan over time, it may start losing its non-stick ability, and food can stick to its surface. But don’t worry, before you think about getting rid of it, there are some methods that can help bring back its non-stick properties.

In this blog post, I’ll explore various effective techniques that can make my frying pan non-stick again, giving it a new lease on life and ensuring many more delightful cooking experiences in the future.

But first, let talk about why your non stick pan start sticking in the first place.

Why Non Stick Pans Stick?

Non-stick pans are designed to make cooking and cleaning easier, but sometimes they can lose their non-stick properties and start sticking.

Let’s explore three common reasons why non-stick pans stick and how to avoid them.

1. Cleaning the pans with harsh agents

Using harsh cleaning agents, such as abrasive scouring pads or strong chemicals, can damage the non-stick coating on your pans. These agents can create scratches on the surface, making it rough and more likely to trap food particles, leading to sticking issues.

To prevent this, opt for gentle cleaning methods using warm, soapy water and a soft sponge. Avoid using anything that could scratch the surface

2. Overheating

Overheating non-stick pans is a common reason for their non-stick properties to deteriorate. High temperatures can cause the non-stick coating to break down, creating a less smooth surface that can lead to food sticking.

To maintain the non-stick effectiveness, always cook on low to medium heat settings. Preheating the pan on high heat and then lowering it to the desired cooking temperature is a good practice to avoid overheating.

3. Non-seasoning of your non-stick pans

Seasoning is a vital step in maintaining non-stick pans. Seasoning creates a natural non-stick layer on the pan’s surface. If you skip this step or forget to re-season your pans regularly, the non-stick properties can diminish over time.

To season your non-stick pans, clean them thoroughly, apply a thin layer of cooking oil, and heat them over low to medium heat until the oil starts to smoke. Allow the pan to cool and wipe off any excess oil with a paper towel. This simple process will help preserve the non-stick coating and prevent sticking.

4 Ways To Make Your Nonstick Pans Non-Stick Again

There are several simple and effective methods to revive your nonstick pans and get them back to their former glory. Read along as I discuss further about the methods to fix your sticky pan.

1. A Spray coating

One straightforward and budget-friendly method to rejuvenate your nonstick pans is by using a spray coating. You can find nonstick cooking sprays at most grocery stores. To apply, ensure the pan is clean and dry, then spray a thin and even layer of the nonstick coating directly onto the pan’s surface.

Heat the pan over low to medium heat for a few minutes, allowing the coating to bond with the pan. Let it cool, and then wipe off any excess spray. The fresh coating will help prevent sticking and provide a renewed non-stick experience.

2. Seasoning

Seasoning a nonstick pan is similar to how you season a cast-iron skillet, and it can do wonders in reviving its non-stick properties. Begin by cleaning the pan thoroughly with warm, soapy water and a soft sponge. Rinse and dry the pan completely.

Next, apply a thin layer of cooking oil, such as vegetable or canola oil, to the entire cooking surface. Heat the pan over low to medium heat for about five minutes or until the oil starts to smoke. Allow the pan to cool and then wipe off any excess oil with a paper towel. Seasoning forms a natural non-stick barrier, making your pan glide effortlessly once again.

3. Using salt

Believe it or not, common table salt can come to the rescue when your nonstick pan is losing its non-stick charm. Start by heating the pan over medium heat until it’s hot. Sprinkle a generous amount of table salt onto the surface of the pan.

Take a paper towel and use it to scrub the salt around the pan gently. The salt acts as a mild abrasive, effectively removing any stubborn residue that’s causing the sticking issue. After scrubbing, discard the salt, rinse the pan with warm water, and dry it thoroughly. This simple yet effective method can work wonders in restoring the non-stick surface of your pan.

4. Hire a pan coating specialist

If you prefer a professional touch, consider hiring a pan coating specialist to restore your nonstick pans. These experts have the knowledge and tools to strip off the old non-stick coating and apply a fresh layer professionally. Although this method may be a bit more expensive, it can yield exceptional results, bringing back the pan’s non-stick surface to almost brand-new condition.

Additional Tips to Maintain a Non Stick Pan

Here are some additional tips to help you maintain your non-stick pan and keep it in top-notch condition:

1. Use wooden or silicone utensils

To prevent scratching the non-stick coating, avoid using metal utensils. Opt for wooden or silicone utensils instead, as they are gentle on the pan’s surface and won’t damage the non-stick layer.

2. Avoid stacking pans

If you have multiple non-stick pans, avoid stacking them on top of each other without any protection. Placing a soft cloth or pan protector between the pans can prevent scratches and abrasions, preserving their non-stick properties.

3. Avoid stacking pans

When storing non-stick pans, avoid stacking them on top of each other without any protection in between. The weight and pressure from stacked pans can cause scratches on the coating. Use pan protectors or soft cloths to separate pans and prevent damage.

4. Handwash only

Although some non-stick pans claim to be dishwasher-safe, handwashing is the best way to maintain their non-stick coating. Gently wash the pan with warm, soapy water and a soft sponge, and avoid using abrasive scrubbers that could damage the surface.

5. Store properly

Store your non-stick pans in a dry and cool place to avoid unnecessary wear and tear. Avoid hanging them on hooks, as this can also cause scratches on the coating. If you have limited storage space, consider using pan racks or cabinets with protective dividers.


Understanding why non-stick pans stick is crucial to maintaining their efficiency in the kitchen. Avoid using harsh cleaning agents, be mindful of overheating, and make sure to season your non-stick pans regularly.

By following these simple steps, you can enjoy the convenience of non-stick cooking for a long time and keep your pans performing at their best. Remember, with proper care, your non-stick pans will continue to make cooking and cleaning a breeze.

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