Tomato Stain on Granite Countertop – Causes, Solutions, and Prevention

Tomatoes, the versatile and delicious fruit that adds color and flavor to countless dishes. But as much as we love them, their bright red juice can be a real pain when it stains our precious granite countertops.

A tomato stain is not only unsightly but can also be tough to remove, leading to frustration and potentially damaging your countertop. As a homeowner or chef, you know the importance of keeping your kitchen looking its best, and that’s why we’re here to help.

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the causes of tomato stains on granite countertops, provide solutions for removing them, and share tips on how to prevent them from happening again.

Whether you’re a cooking enthusiast or simply want to maintain the beauty of your kitchen, this post is for you. So, let’s get started and banish those tomato stains for good.

Causes of tomato stain on granite countertops 

Having a bright or faint red stain can be a clear indication of a tomato stain on a countertop especially if you have used any tomato products previously on or around your countertop.

Below are some things that can lead to tomato stains on your countertops that you should note for possible prevention of tomato stains on your granite countertop.

1. Leaving or storing tomatoes directly on your countertops  

Storing tomatoes directly on top of your granite countertop will stain your countertop. 

Tomatoes are acidic and if left on sealed granite countertops will over time break the seal and seep into the countertop and causing it to etch and leave a visible stain on the countertop. 

Even on an unsealed countertop storing your tomato directly on the counter is a recipe for a stained countertop, unsealed countertops because they have no protective covering will easily absolve stains from the tomato.

2. Food spill

Spills from tomato juice, paste, sauce, soup, and by-products of tomato may spill on your countertop while cooking, eating, or mistakenly staining the countertop are another major cause of tomato stain on granite countertops.

3. Cutting tomatoes directly on your countertop without a chopping board

It’s a common practice for some people to chop fruits, meats, food, and other stuff directly on the granite countertop without a chopping board.

It’s natural rock and broad base make it very tempting and easy to quickly chop up stuff instead of using a chopping board.

While this may seem fun and easy to chop up ingredients and other stuff easily the aftermath is not great.

The sharp edges from the knives hitting the countertop while you chop will break off the seal if there was any and make it very easy for your granite countertop to stain.

4. Not cleaning up tomato stains immediately

Granite is a porous rock and so will absorb liquid and be stained easily if the surface is not sealed.

When tomato sauce, juice, peels, or tomato paste, and spills on a granite countertop without cleaning your countertop immediately will cause the stain to seep deeper into the granite countertop.

Not cleaning up spills and residues from tomato products will cause the stain to set into the granite countertop and cause it to be even more difficult to remove the stain.

Solutions for stains on granite countertops 

You can easily remove tomato stains on granite countertops on your own with different methods with some easily found materials at home.  

The method will depend on whether your granite countertop is sealed or unsealed. 

Can tomato stains be removed?

Yes, tomato stains can be removed from surfaces, including granite countertops. However, the ease of removal depends on factors such as the type of surface and how quickly the stain is addressed.

Does vinegar remove tomato stains?

Yes, vinegar can be an effective natural remedy for removing tomato stains. Its acidic properties help break down the stain and facilitate the cleaning process, especially on surfaces like granite countertops.

Does baking soda remove tomato sauce stains?

Yes, baking soda is another useful household item for removing tomato sauce stains. When mixed with water to form a paste and applied to the stain, baking soda can help absorb and lift the tomato sauce residue, making it easier to clean. You will learn more on how to use baking soda to remove tomato sauce stains in the next section.

How to remove tomato stains on sealed granite countertop

Tomato stains on sealed granite countertops are easier to remove, the seal has created a protective surface so the stain is not able to penetrate the natural stone itself thus making it easier to remove the stain. 

It’s not advisable to use abrasive or harsh detergents and sponges or scrubbers when removing stains from sealed granite countertops so as not to damage the seal. 

Below are some safe methods you can use in removing tomato stain without breaking or destroying the seal of the sealed granite countertop 

1. Blotting off the stain immediately occurs with a soft cloth, warm water, and dawn or dishwashing soap before the stain sets in.

In a bowl of warm water add a little Dawn or any other dishwashing soap, then soak the clean soft clean cloth inside the water, squeeze out excess water from the cloth, and use it to blot off the stain from the countertop.

Repeat the process until the stain is finally removed, then using clean non-soapy water rinse the countertop. 

Note: do not wipe the stain so as not to spread it further to other parts of the countertop that were not stained previously.

2. Baking soda poultice

Make a mixture of baking soda and water that is not runny, preferably let the mixture have a consistency similar to that of creamy cheese.

Spread the mixture across the stained area on the countertop, cover it with plastic wrap then tape down the edges of the plastic wrap.

Let the poultice(mixture) sit on the granite countertop for about 1hr to 24hrs (depending on how tough the stain is) then remove the plastic wrap and allow the poultice to dry.  

The baking soda poultice will absorb the tomato stain off the granite countertop by the time it’s dry. 

Wipe off the dry poultice and clean your countertop normally, this process can be repeated if the stain has not been fully absorbed.

How to remove tomato stains on unsealed granite countertop

Granite countertops that are not sealed or whose seal has broken or worn off over time are very prone to retaining stains and it gets difficult to remove the stains.

Since there is no protective layer on the surface, moisture, stains, and bacteria are easily absorbed into the porous granite

Most people don’t even know if their granite countertop is sealed or not. 

To test if your granite countertop is sealed or if the seal has worn off or broken try this simple test, sprinkle a little amount of water on the countertop with your hands, if the water droplets bead (forms a round bead-like shape) on top of your countertop it means your granite is sealed and the seal is still intact.

But if the water absorbs immediately it means your granite is not sealed or the seal has been damaged.

Below are some methods you can use in removing tomato stains from an unsealed granite countertop. 

1. Using white vinegar

Mix 2 part water with 1 white vinegar in a spray can, spray the mixture on the area with the tomato stain, and allow it to sit for 15-20mins then use a clean soft cloth or towel to blot off the stain.

Use another clean cloth and water to rinse if the stain is entirely removed, not the step can be repeated.

2. Using hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can act as a disinfectant and bleach and it is very potent in organic stain removal.

Below are the different ways hydrogen peroxide can be used to remove the tomato and other tough stains from the granite countertop.

Step 1

Pour a little amount of hydrogen peroxide directly on the stained area of the granite, and let it sit for about 10mins to 1 hour depending on how tough the stain is.

And blot off with a clean towel and water.

Note: since hydrogen peroxide acts like a bleach it tends to lighten dark-colored stones, it’s, therefore, advisable to use this direct pouring method only on light-colored stones.

Step 2

Pour the hydrogen peroxide Into a plastic bowl and sock about 8ply of paper towel in it. Then place the soaked paper towel on the stained area, cover it with plastic wrap, and tape down the edges.  

Leave the paper towel on the stain for 24hrs and removed it when dry. 

Step 3

Make a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and pour it on the stained area, cover it with plastic wrap then tape the edges to keep it moist while it absorbs the tomato stain.

Let it sit for 24hrs then remove the plastic wrap for it to dry up. When fully dried wipe off with a wet cloth or paper towel. 

With these methods, you can easily remove tomato stains from your countertop personally without calling a professional and using at-home materials.

Does OxiClean remove tomato sauce stains?

OxiClean can be effective in removing tomato sauce stains. OxiClean is a popular stain remover known for its powerful cleaning properties. Its oxygen-based formula helps break down and lift stubborn stains, including those from tomato sauce.

When used as directed, OxiClean can be a valuable tool in tackling tomato sauce stains on various surfaces, such as clothing, carpets, and even countertops like granite.

It’s essential to follow the product’s instructions and perform a spot test on a hidden area before using OxiClean on delicate or colored fabrics to ensure it won’t cause any discoloration or damage.

How to prevent tomato stains on granite countertops 

One of the best ways to prevent your granite countertop from staining is by sealing your counter with a nontoxic sealant. 

Sealing your granite countertop gives it a silicone protective surface layer that prevents liquid, dust, and subsequently stains of any kind from affecting your countertop

Granite countertops should be sealed at least every year or less for those with industrial kitchens where there are a lot of activities going on around the countertop.

In addition to sealing your granite countertop below are some other preventive maintenance measures you should take to protect your granite countertop from tomato stains

  • Blot off every spill, food drop-ins from tomato soup, sauce, paste, or juice immediately off the countertop.
  • Avoid Storing tomatoes directly on your granite countertop instead place them on a bowl or a wooden tray before placing them on top of the countertop.
  • Always use a chopping board when chopping tomatoes and other food ingredients.
  • Use a tray when eating on the granite countertop.
  • Be extra careful with tomato products and ingredients around your countertop.


In the end, tomato stains on granite countertops can be a pesky problem, but there’s no need to fret! With the right techniques and products, you can easily remove these stains and keep your countertops looking fresh and clean.

By taking some simple steps to prevent future stains, such as wiping spills immediately and using cutting boards, you can enjoy a beautiful and functional kitchen for years to come. So, don’t let tomato stains ruin your day – take charge and keep your kitchen shining.

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