Why Does My Slow Cooker Smell Funny?

If you’re a fan of slow cooker recipes, you know how convenient and delicious they can be.  Slow cookers are empowered with the ability to transform tough cuts of meat into tender and succulent dishes and the convenience they offer to busy individuals and families.

Whether you’re preparing comforting stews, hearty soups, or mouthwatering roasts, the slow cooker can effortlessly handle it all.

While the aroma of a savory meal simmering in a slow cooker can be tantalizing, an unpleasant odor can be quite disconcerting. It’s not uncommon for slow cookers to develop a funny smell over time, and it can be quite off-putting.

If you’ve ever experienced this, you may find yourself wondering why your slow cooker is emitting an odd smell and how to resolve the issue.

The most common funny smell emanating from slow cookers can be caused by many reasons, including the damaged lid, burnt cord, and many more.

Over time, I’ve encountered this issue multiple times, and I’m here to shed some light on why your slow cooker may be emitting an unpleasant odor and what you can do to fix it.

Causes of Slow Cooker Smelling Funny

1. Food residue buildup

One of the main reasons why your slow cooker may smell funny is because of food residue buildup. Over time, small particles of food can get stuck to the sides, bottom, and lid of your slow cooker, leading to a lingering odor.

This can happen even if you regularly clean your slow cooker, as some food particles may be difficult to remove without proper cleaning techniques.

2. Bacteria growth

Another common cause of a strange smell in your slow cooker is bacteria growth. A warm and moist environment, such as that created by a slow cooker, is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. If you don’t thoroughly clean your slow cooker after each use, bacteria can multiply and cause a foul odor.

3. Burnt food

Accidentally burning food in your slow cooker can also contribute to an unpleasant smell. When food burns, it releases compounds that can cling to the surfaces of your slow cooker and create an off-putting scent. Burnt food can be especially difficult to remove and may require some extra cleaning steps to eliminate the odor.

How to Get Rid of Slow Cooker Smell

Now that we’ve identified the potential causes of a funny smell in your slow cooker let’s explore some effective solutions to get rid of it.

1. Deep cleaning

The first step in tackling a smelly slow cooker is to give it a deep and thorough cleaning. Start by unplugging your slow cooker and allowing it to cool down completely. Once cooled, remove the ceramic insert or crock and wash it with warm soapy water. Pay extra attention to any areas with visible food residue or buildup.

Next, clean the exterior of your slow cooker using a damp cloth or sponge and some mild dish soap. Be sure to wipe down the lid and handles as well.

For stubborn food residue or burnt-on stains, a mixture of baking soda and water can work wonders. Make a paste using equal parts baking soda and water, apply it to the affected areas, and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Then, scrub the paste away with a non-abrasive sponge or cloth.

Lastly, rinse all the parts of your slow cooker thoroughly with warm water and allow them to dry completely before reassembling.

2. Vinegar solution

Vinegar is a versatile and natural cleaning agent that can help eliminate odors from your slow cooker. Fill the ceramic insert or crock with a solution of equal parts vinegar and water, ensuring that it covers the areas with odor. Let the solution sit for a few hours or overnight.

Afterward, empty the vinegar solution and rinse the crock with warm water. You can then wash it using warm, soapy water, as mentioned earlier. The acidic properties of vinegar help neutralize odors and kill bacteria, leaving your slow cooker smelling fresh.

3. Baking soda absorption

Baking soda is known for its odor-absorbing properties, making it an excellent solution for eliminating foul smells in your slow cooker.

After giving your slow cooker a thorough cleaning, as mentioned above, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda on the bottom of the ceramic insert or crock. Leave it overnight, allowing the baking soda to absorb any lingering odors.

In the morning, simply discard the baking soda and rinse the crock with warm water. The baking soda will have absorbed much of the odor, leaving your slow cooker smelling much better.

How to Prevent Your Slow Cooker from Smelling Funny

To prevent future funny smells in your slow cooker, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Always clean your slow cooker thoroughly after each use, paying special attention to removing any food residue or buildup.
  2. Use a slow cooker liner or cooking spray before adding ingredients. This will make cleaning easier and reduce the chance of food sticking to the surfaces.
  3. Avoid overfilling your slow cooker, as this can lead to spills and burnt food.
  4. Store your slow cooker with the lid slightly ajar to allow for ventilation and prevent moisture buildup.
  5. Regularly inspect and replace the rubber gasket on your slow cooker lid if it becomes worn or damaged. This will ensure a tight seal and minimize odor retention.


A funny smell in your slow cooker can be unpleasant, but with the right cleaning methods and prevention tips, you can easily eliminate the odor and enjoy delicious meals once again.

Remember to clean your slow cooker deep, use vinegar solutions and baking soda for odor removal, and follow the prevention tips to keep your slow cooker smelling fresh and clean.

Have you experienced a strange smell in your slow cooker? How did you tackle it? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below.

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