Can You Hook Up A Portable Dishwasher Under the Sink?

As our lives get busier, convenience becomes an essential aspect of daily living. This holds true even in the realm of household chores, such as doing the dishes. For those who lack the space or plumbing for a built-in dishwasher, a portable dishwasher presents an excellent solution.

However, when you move to your new or permanent house, Instead of buying a regular dishwasher, many ask if it’s possible to hook up portable dishwasher under the sink.

Portable dishwashers are primarily designed to connect to your kitchen faucet for easy and convenient use. However, it is possible to hook up a portable dishwasher under the sink as an alternative installation method. It is essential to note that this process is not recommended, as doing so may void the warranty of the dishwasher.

How to Hook up A Portable Dishwasher Under the Sink?

How to Hook up A Portable Dishwasher Under the Sink?

If you insist on going through the process of hooking up your portable dishwasher under the sink, then process this easy steps to get it done.

1. Position the dishwasher

Move the portable dishwasher close to the sink area where you intend to install it. Ensure there is enough space for the dishwasher to fit comfortably.

2. Gather your installation kit

To facilitate the connection process, it is advisable to use a dishwasher installation kit. These kits typically come with all the necessary components for switching out the water inlet and drain system. Look for a kit that includes a braided steel water feed line. Choose a kit with lines long enough to reach both the sink and the dishwasher. If needed, you can extend the lines with an inline coupling, but it is preferable to use one-piece lines for simplicity.

3. Connecting to the dishwasher

Begin by removing the old water drain hose and water inlet line from the portable dishwasher. Replace the brass fittings on the dishwasher with the fittings provided in the installation kit. These new fittings should ensure a leak-proof connection.

For added security against leaks, consider wrapping the male threads with plumber’s tape. Depending on the dishwasher’s height, you may have the option to roll it under the counter for storage when not in use. In this case, route the water lines through holes drilled in the cabinets for a tidy setup.

4. Connecting under the sink

  • Step 1: Locate the Shutoff Valve: Find the hot water shutoff valve under the sink and turn it off to prevent water flow during the installation process.
  • Step 2: Disconnect the Flexible Line: Use your hand or pliers to turn the compression nut counterclockwise and disconnect the flexible line from the shutoff valve.
  • Step 3: Install the Tee Fitting: Place a tee fitting between the shutoff valve and the flexible line that leads to the sink faucet. Ensure it’s securely attached. Take the steel braided line from the portable dishwasher and connect it to the third connection on the installed tee fitting.
  • Step 4: Drain Line Attachment: If you have a garbage disposal unit under the sink, locate the capped fitting on the disposal and attach the drain line from the dishwasher to it. For those without a disposal unit, purchase a dishwasher drain adapter that fits the sink drain and connect the dishwasher drain line to it. make sure you double-check all the plumbing connections to ensure they are tight and leak-free. Make any necessary adjustments if needed.
  • Step 5: Electrical Connection: Plug the power cord of the portable dishwasher into a nearby wall receptacle, ensuring it is safely connected, roll in your dishes and start using the dishwasher.

Can I Put a Countertop Dishwasher Under My Sink?

It is technically possible to install a countertop dishwasher under the sink, i will not recommend doing that due to space constraints, inadequate ventilation, and potential safety hazards. It may lead to instability, difficulty in accessing the appliance, and overheating issues. Connecting water supply and drainage hoses can be challenging, causing leaks and reduced efficiency.

Also, the cluttered environment under the sink poses safety risks, and using electrical outlets may lead to hazards. Warranty voids and potential repair costs are also concerns. It is best to use countertop dishwashers on stable surfaces near the kitchen sink for optimal performance and safety.

Possible Issues When Using a Portable Dishwasher as Built-In


Using a portable dishwasher as a built-in appliance can lead to several problems. Here are some of the common issues that may arise:

1. Unplanned moisture

Built-in dishwashers are designed with specific moisture management systems to handle water vapor and prevent damage to surrounding cabinetry. Portable dishwashers, when used as built-in, may not have the same level of moisture control. This can result in excess moisture accumulation, potentially leading to mold, mildew, and damage to the kitchen cabinets or flooring.

2. Weak pump

Portable dishwashers are typically designed for standalone use and may not have the same powerful pump system as built-in dishwashers. When used in a built-in configuration, the dishwasher may struggle to pump water effectively, resulting in poor cleaning performance and potential drainage issues.

3. Noise levels

Portable dishwashers are generally noisier compared to built-in models. When used as a built-in appliance, the noise and vibrations from the dishwasher may be more noticeable and disruptive in the kitchen space, affecting the overall comfort and ambiance.

4. Installation leakages

Built-in dishwashers are installed with precision to ensure proper sealing and prevent water leakage. When a portable dishwasher is converted for built-in use, there is a higher risk of installation-related leakages. Poorly sealed connections and improper fitting can lead to water leaks, potentially causing damage to the kitchen area and neighboring cabinets.

5. Limited aesthetics

Portable dishwashers may not offer the same aesthetic appeal as built-in models. When used as built-in, they may protrude slightly from the cabinetry or not blend seamlessly with the kitchen design, affecting the overall look of the kitchen.

Frequency Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where do you put a portable dishwasher?

The most common locations for portable dishwashers include near the kitchen sink or any area with a standard faucet connection. Portable dishwashers are designed to be flexible and movable, so you can place them wherever there is access to a water source and drainage.

Can you put a portable dishwasher in a cabinet?

Portable dishwashers are not meant to be permanently installed in a cabinet. They are freestanding appliances designed to be moved and used wherever needed. Attempting to install a portable dishwasher inside a cabinet can lead to functional and safety issues and is not recommended.

Can you leave the sink on with a portable dishwasher?

It is generally not recommended to leave the sink running while using a portable dishwasher. Portable dishwashers connect to the sink faucet to draw water for washing. Turning off the sink faucet during the dishwasher’s operation ensures efficient water usage and prevents any interference with the dishwasher’s performance.


The convenience and versatility of portable dishwashers make them an excellent addition to any kitchen, especially in space-constrained environments.

Installing a portable dishwasher hook up under the sink is a straightforward process that requires minimal effort . Alternatively, you can opt for connecting the dishwasher directly to the kitchen faucet using the provided adapter. which is what i recommend doing to have a smooth use of your portable dishwasher.

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