Can You Turn a Regular Dishwasher Into a Portable Dishwasher?

Who doesn’t love convenience in the kitchen? From the latest gadgets to time-saving appliances, we all want to make our cooking and cleaning tasks as easy and efficient as possible.

One appliance that brings convenience to the kitchen is a portable dishwasher. These nifty machines not only simplify the process of washing dishes, but they also allow for easy movement from one place to another in the kitchen.

But what if you already have a regular dishwasher? Is it possible to turn it into a portable dishwasher? In this blog post, I will explore the feasibility and steps involved in converting a regular dishwasher into a portable one.

Can You Turn a Regular Dishwasher Into a Portable Dishwasher

Yes, it is possible to turn a regular dishwasher into a portable dishwasher. However, a few modifications will need to be made to achieve this. If by “portable” you mean that you want to roll it away between uses, then it will also need castors (wheels) installed underneath it.

Connect the water inlet with standard pipe adapters, link the water drain to your kitchen plumbing using a flexible hose, attach the electrical box to a grounded 20amp appliance cord for plugging into an outlet, and install sturdy castors underneath the dishwasher for mobility.

This will allow for easy movement and storage in your kitchen. Keep in mind that converting a regular dishwasher into a portable one may not result in the most aesthetically pleasing installation, but it can be a functional and convenient solution.

The Benefit of Having a Portable Dishwasher

Having a portable dishwasher offers a range of benefits. First and foremost, it provides the convenience of being able to move your dishwasher wherever it is needed in the kitchen.

This can be particularly useful in kitchens with limited counter space or in situations where you may need to reconfigure your kitchen layout.

Additionally, portable dishwashers typically have a smaller footprint compared to built-in models, making them a great option for smaller kitchens or apartments. They also eliminate the need for permanent installation, which can be beneficial for renters or those who frequently move.

Factors to Consider before Converting to a Portable Dishwasher

Before embarking on the journey of converting your regular dishwasher into a portable one, there are a few factors you should consider:

1. Space and size constraints

Ensure that you have enough space in your kitchen to accommodate a portable dishwasher. Measure the available space and compare it to the dimensions of the dishwasher you plan to convert.

2. Plumbing and electrical requirements

Verify if your kitchen has the necessary plumbing and electrical outlets to connect a portable dishwasher. If not, you may need to make modifications or call in a professional to help with the installation.

3. Budget constraints

Evaluate your budget and determine if converting your regular dishwasher is a cost-effective solution compared to purchasing a new portable dishwasher outright.

4. Mobility and portability needs

Assess how often you will need to move the dishwasher and determine if the added mobility justifies the effort and potential modifications.

Steps to Convert a Regular Dishwasher to a Portable Dishwasher

If you have decided to move forward with converting your regular dishwasher into a portable one, here are the steps involved:

Gather the necessary materials

  • Pipe adapters
  • Water drain system
  • A grounded appliance cord
  • Castors for mobility

1. Connect the water inlet via standard pipe adapters

To connect the water inlet of the dishwasher to your kitchen’s water supply, you will need to use standard pipe adapters. These adapters come in different sizes, so make sure you choose the right one for your specific dishwasher and water supply connection.

2. Connect the water drain

Next, you will need to connect the water drain of the dishwasher to your kitchen’s plumbing system. This is typically done using a flexible hose that attaches to the dishwasher and drains into your sink or a dedicated drainpipe. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the correct installation process.

3. Connect the electrical box to a standard grounded 20amp appliance cord

Since your regular dishwasher was likely hardwired into your kitchen’s electrical system, you will need to connect the electrical box of the dishwasher to a standard grounded 20amp appliance cord. This cord can then be plugged into an electrical outlet. Again, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the proper wiring and connection.

4. Install castors under the dishwasher

One of the key features of a portable dishwasher is its ability to be easily moved around the kitchen. To achieve this, you will need to install castors (wheels) underneath the dishwasher. These castors should be sturdy enough to support the weight of the dishwasher when it is filled with dishes. Make sure the castors are properly attached and securely fastened to the base of the dishwasher.

5. Test the machine

Once you have completed the necessary connections and installations, it’s important to test the converted dishwasher to ensure that everything is working properly. Run a test cycle and check for any leaks, unusual noises, or malfunctions. If you encounter any issues, consult the manufacturer’s troubleshooting guide or seek professional assistance.

6. Call a professional when needed

If you are unsure about any step in the conversion process or if you encounter difficulties during the installation, don’t hesitate to call a professional. They have the expertise and experience to help you with the conversion and ensure that everything is done correctly and safely.

Converting a regular dishwasher into a portable one can be a rewarding project that adds convenience and flexibility to your kitchen. However, it’s important to approach the process with caution and attention to detail. If you’re not confident in your abilities or if you encounter any complications, seek professional assistance to ensure a successful conversion.


While converting a regular dishwasher into a portable one is possible, it is important to carefully assess the space, plumbing, electrical requirements, and budget constraints before proceeding with the conversion. If done correctly, the end result can be a portable dishwasher that brings convenience and flexibility to your kitchen.

Whether you choose to convert or purchase a new portable dishwasher, the ultimate goal is to make your dishwashing experience as easy and enjoyable as possible.

Have you ever converted a regular dishwasher into a portable one? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below.

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