Why Do Instant Pot Cookers Stink? (5 Possible Reasons)

If you’re a proud owner of an Instant Pot cooker, chances are you love its convenience and versatility in the kitchen. From succulent stews to perfectly cooked rice, the Instant Pot has become a staple appliance for many home cooks.

However, there is one issue that some users have encountered – a strange odour emanating from their Instant Pot.

In this article, I will delve into the reasons why Instant Pots can sometimes produce unpleasant smells and offer solutions to help you keep your beloved cooker fresh and odor-free.

Why Do Instant Pot Cookers Stink?

Why Do Instant Pot Cookers Stink?

1. Food residue

One of the most common reasons for a stinky Instant Pot is the buildup of food residue. As you use your Instant Pot to cook various recipes, small particles of food can get trapped in the nooks and crannies of the cooking pot. Over time, these residues can accumulate and create an unpleasant odor. The smell may be particularly noticeable when you remove the lid after cooking.

2. Rubber gasket

The rubber gasket, or sealing ring, is a crucial component of the Instant Pot that helps create an airtight seal during the cooking process. While this gasket is designed to be durable and long-lasting, it can absorb food odors over time. If your Instant Pot starts emitting unpleasant smells even after cleaning the cooking pot, the rubber gasket may be the culprit.

How to Stop Your Instant Pot from Smelling

1. Clean the cooking pot thoroughly

One of the most common causes of odor in an Instant Pot is residue buildup in the cooking pot. After each use, make sure to clean the pot thoroughly. Start by removing any leftover food and debris. Then, wash the pot with warm, soapy water and a non-abrasive sponge or cloth.

Pay extra attention to the nooks and crannies where residue can accumulate. Rinse the pot well to remove any soap residue. Keeping the cooking pot clean prevents odors from lingering and transferring to your next meal.

2. Remove and clean the sealing ring

The rubber sealing ring, or gasket, is an essential component of the Instant Pot that helps create an airtight seal. However, over time, the sealing ring can absorb food odors, contributing to unpleasant smells. To eliminate these odors, remove the sealing ring from the lid of the Instant Pot and wash it separately.

Use warm, soapy water and a soft brush to clean the ring thoroughly, making sure to remove any trapped food particles. Rinse the ring well and allow it to dry completely before reattaching it to the lid. Regularly cleaning or replacing the sealing ring will help prevent odor transfer and keep your Instant Pot smelling fresh.

3. Perform a vinegar steam clean

Vinegar is a natural and effective cleaning agent that can help eliminate odors in your Instant Pot. To perform a vinegar steam clean, pour equal parts of water and white vinegar into the cooking pot, filling it about halfway.

Place the lid on the Instant Pot and set it to the “Steam” function. Allow the vinegar and water mixture to steam for about 5 minutes.

The steam generated will help clean and deodorize the interior of the Instant Pot. After the steam cycle is complete, discard the vinegar and water mixture, rinse the pot thoroughly, and wipe it dry. This method can be done regularly to keep your Instant Pot fresh and odor-free.

4. Store the instant pot with the lid off

If you’re not using your Instant Pot regularly, it’s a good idea to store it with the lid off. Leaving the lid off allows air to circulate inside the pot, preventing moisture buildup and reducing the chances of odors developing.

Ensure that the Instant Pot is completely dry before storing it to avoid any potential mold or mildew growth. If you’re concerned about dust or debris entering the pot, you can cover it with a clean cloth or towel while still leaving the lid off.

5. Use odor-absorbing products

To keep your Instant Pot smelling fresh between uses, you can utilize odor-absorbing products. One popular option is using baking soda. Before storing your Instant Pot, place a small bowl or dish filled with baking soda inside the pot.

Baking soda is excellent at absorbing odors and can help keep your Instant Pot smelling clean and fresh. Alternatively, you can use odor-absorbing packets or sachets specifically designed to eliminate smells. These products can be placed either inside the Instant Pot or in the storage area to maintain freshness.

Tips for Preventing Your Instant Pot Cookers from Stinking

1. Proper venting and steam release

When using your Instant Pot, it’s crucial to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for venting and steam release. Improper venting can lead to the buildup of moisture and steam inside the cooker, which can contribute to odor development. Make sure the steam release valve is in the correct position before starting the cooking process to allow steam to escape and prevent excess condensation.

2. Use baking soda

Baking soda is a natural deodorizer that can help eliminate odors in your Instant Pot. After cleaning the cooking pot and sealing ring, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda inside the pot. Close the lid and let it sit for a few hours or overnight. The baking soda will absorb any lingering odors, leaving your Instant Pot smelling fresh. Remember to discard the baking soda and rinse the pot thoroughly before using it again.

3. Lemon water rinse

Another effective method for refreshing your Instant Pot is to perform a lemon water rinse. Fill the cooking pot with water and squeeze the juice of one lemon into it. Place the lid on the pot, set it to the “Steam” function, and let it run for a few minutes.

The steam generated by the lemon water will help neutralize odors and give your Instant Pot a refreshing scent. After the steam cycle is complete, discard the lemon water and rinse the pot before use.

4. Deep clean with vinegar

If the odor in your Instant Pot persists even after regular cleaning and maintenance, it may be time for a deep clean using vinegar. Vinegar is a versatile and natural cleaning agent that can help eliminate stubborn smells.

Fill the cooking pot halfway with equal parts of water and white vinegar. Close the lid, set the Instant Pot to the “Steam” function, and let it run for approximately five minutes. Allow the mixture to cool before discarding it and rinsing the pot thoroughly. This deep cleaning method can help eliminate any lingering odors and keep your Instant Pot smelling fresh.

3. Address seal issues

If you suspect that the seal on your Instant Pot cooker is causing the odor, inspect it for any damage or misalignment. Replace the sealing ring if necessary, ensuring it fits snugly. Additionally, check for leaks or gaps in the pot’s construction and contact the manufacturer for further assistance if needed.

4. Avoid strong-smelling ingredients

Certain ingredients can contribute to strong odors during cooking. To minimize this, avoid using ingredients like garlic, onions, and spices with strong aromas. Opt for milder alternatives or use them in smaller quantities. This can help reduce the intensity of the smells produced by the Instant Pot cooker.


Nobody wants to deal with a stinky Instant Pot that taints the aroma of their delicious dishes. By understanding the causes of odor and following the prevention and elimination tips outlined in this article, you can maintain a fresh and pleasant-smelling Instant Pot.

Have you experienced any issues with odors in your Instant Pot? How did you tackle the problem? Share your tips and experiences in the comments below.

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